Archive for July 2024

Week 31, year 2024

  • Refresh of the PoEAA catalog page - From time to time I take a look at my site analytics to see how much traffic various bits of this site get. When doing this I saw that I continue to get a lot of traffic to the Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. I put this together not long after writing the book, and it’s rather minimal. Since it still gets traffic I felt it was time for some sprucing up. The content is the same, summaries of the patterns in the book. I’ve changed the main catalog page to include the pattern intents. [Martin Fowler]
  • Instead of restricting AI and algorithms, make them explainable - There's a lot of discussion about using regulation to restrict the use of AI and other software algorithms. I think that the better regulation would be to ensure that decisions made by software must be explainable. [Martin Fowler]
Permalink | From 29 July 2024 to 04 August 2024 | Last updated on: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 14:37:10 GMT

Week 29, year 2024

  • Introducing Axon Server 2024.1 - Introducing Axon Server 2024.1 We’re excited to introduce Axon Server 2024.1, packed with new updates and features to enhance your development experience. The highlight of this release? Persistent streams. Let’s dive into how this feature can solve common challenges and streamline your workflow. [AxonIQ Blog]
  • Is AWS Lambda a Halo Product? - Shiny, advanced, a strong fan following, but lack of mainstream adoption---the trademarks of a halo product. Sounds like AWS Lambda? [The Architect Elevator]
Permalink | From 15 July 2024 to 21 July 2024 | Last updated on: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:06:37 GMT