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Week 43, year 2016

  • DDD Weekly: Issue #17 - Contoso University updated to ASP.NET Core [blog] Jimmy Bogard. I discovered CQRS in the flavor of ASP.NET MVC through this project by Jimmy Bogard: ContosoUniversity. This new iteration uses ASP.NET Core with the Full .NET Framework. Repo here. Rethinking State Management [video] Tamizhvendan S. Presentation at Functional Conference 2016. YOW! Nights March 2016 Martin Fowler - Event Sourcing [video] Martin Fowler. Domain-Driven Design: What is the role it plays for Microservices [blog] Interview with Eberhard Wolff. [DDD Weekly]
  • Verifying collaborations at the system edges - Last week I wrote about when to use mocks. In this post, I’d like to outline a specific guideline which comes into play when you start working with mocks: verifying collaborations at the system edges. This article is based on my recent Pluralsight course about Pragmatic Unit Testing. Verifying collaborations at the system edges The use of mocks goes hand in hand with the style of unit testing which I call collaboration verification. [Enterprise Craftsmanship]
Permalink | From 24 October 2016 to 30 October 2016 | Last updated on: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:11:14 GMT