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Week 39, year 2017

  • EventStorming's Coincidence with Business Process Improvement - The purpose and implementation of EventStorming doesn’t only exist inside of Domain-Driven Design. Although the name “EventStorming” does tie itself to DDD, it has foundations in process improvement that have nothing to do with DDD and these are not new. Parallels with business process improvement and LEAN One technique that I’ve personally seen is business process improvement exercises used in Manufacturing to discover bottlenecks. Here, the same issue applies - Domain Experts aren’t fully aware of the bottlenecks outside of their processes. They live in a silo. While one process works well in their division - say the Accounting Department, the interaction with their division that includes this process is potentially a bottleneck for an outside division, like Sales. [Nick Chamberlain on Nick Chamberlain]
  • DDD Weekly: Issue #43 - Evolutionary Pressures Forcing Software Architects to Adapt [blog] Nick Tune. To remain effective, you must learn to co-design and coevolve organisational and technical boundaries. You’re not a software architect anymore, you are a sociotechnical systems architect. Power of the Log:LSM & Append Only Data Structures [video] Ben Stopford. Ben Stopford talks about the beauty of sequential access and append only data structures, in the context of a little known paper entitled “Log Structured Merge Trees”. [DDD Weekly]
Permalink | From 25 September 2017 to 01 October 2017 | Last updated on: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:10:50 GMT