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Week 50, year 2017

  • DDD Weekly: Issue #51 - DDD Persistence: Recorded Event-Driven Persistence [blog] Erik Heemskerk. When you decide to implement your business logic by applying DDD, one of the things you’ll run into is ‘how do I save my changes?’ The internet is full of blogs and articles about the mythical DDD repository, but all they offer is an interface. How do you actually implement it? AsyncAPI Is A Specification Format For Message-Driven APIs [blog] Kin Lane. I’ve been learning about a new API definition format called AsyncAPI that allows you to define message-driven APIs in a machine-readable format. [DDD Weekly]
  • NHibernate 5: async IO bound operations support - This news went mostly unnoticed but that’s actually a big one, at least for those of us who uses NHibernate as their primary ORM: NHibernate 5 now supports async IO bound operations. [Enterprise Craftsmanship]
Permalink | From 11 December 2017 to 17 December 2017 | Last updated on: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:11:14 GMT