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Week 9, year 2019

  • DDD Weekly: Issue #58 - Concurrency and FP [video] Riccardo Terrell. Today we talk about concurrency and functional programming, about F# how it compares to haskell and scala. We also chat about CPU architectures, best practises for writing distributed systems and much more. ULID [github] Universally-Unique, Lexicographically-Sortable Identifier Event Sourcing You are doing it wrong [video] David Schmitz. In this talk, I will summarize our experience while applying eventsourcing and CQRS accros multiple large financial and insurance companies over the last 5 years. [DDD Weekly]
Permalink | From 25 February 2019 to 03 March 2019 | Last updated on: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:10:49 GMT