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Week 27, year 2019

  • DDD Weekly: Issue #61 - Hands-On Domain-Driven Design with .NET Core [book] Alexey Zimarev. Solve complex business problems by understanding users better, finding the right problem to solve, and building lean event-driven systems to give your customers what they really want Should We Create a Shared Service? A Decision-making Checklist [blog] Nick Tune. Deciding when to create a shared service can be highly subjective and quite often highly controversial. But there are a series of heuristics, or questions we can ask ourselves, to improve our chances of making the right sociotechnical design decision. [DDD Weekly]
  • Patterns Are Not Defined by Their Implementation - I wrote about something that I called the Forgettable Payload pattern. The abstract reads “Store the sensitive payload of an event in a separate store to control access and removal. ” Please read the full pattern first. In short, it’s about being able to remove sensitive information from an eventstore, for example upon receiving a deletion request under the GDPR. Some readers have remarked that Forgettable Payloads is the same the Claim Check pattern. Enterprise Integration Patterns describes the problem that Claim Check solves as: “How can we reduce the data volume of a message sent across the system without sacrificing information content?” The solution of both patterns is pretty much identical: UserUploadedImage { userId:12, image: ". [Mathias Verraes]
Permalink | From 01 July 2019 to 07 July 2019 | Last updated on: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:18:52 GMT