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Week 11, year 2021

  • Sponsored Post - Kinsta, Bridgecrew, IP2Location, StackHawk,, Educative, Stream, Fauna, Triplebyte [High Scalability]
  • Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For March 17th, 2021 - Hey, HighScalability is here again! Reverse engineering an ancient analog computer is a detective story worth reading. A Model of the Cosmos in the ancient Greek Antikythera Mechanism. Do you love this Stuff? Without your encouragement on Patreon this Stuff won't stuffin’ stuff. Know someone who needs to know the cloud? I wrote Explain the Cloud Like I'm 10 just for them. On Amazon it has 262 mostly 5 star reviews. Here's a review that is not on the block chain: Number Stuff: Don't miss all that the Internet has to say on Scalability, click below and become eventually consistent with all scalability knowledge (which means this post has many more items to read so please keep on reading). [High Scalability]
  • How money in Cloud impacts Architectural decisions? - It’s intriguing how our perspective on software development changed in the last few years. We transformed from the on-premise age to the… [Event-Driven by Oskar Dudycz]
  • Commanded application architecture - Describes the various ways you can architect your (CQRS/ES) Elixir application with Commanded and EventStore. [Binary Consulting via Aggregater Linklog]
  • No Comparison - Our first principles highlight our unique motivations and goals. Some have asked us to compare the VLINGO XOOM platform and specific components, such as XOOM Actors, with frameworks and toolkits offered by various vendors. This is the wrong question because it assumes that our platform is founded on the same philosophies and motivations as those … No Comparison Read More » The post No Comparison appeared first on Kalele. [Kalele]
Permalink | From 15 March 2021 to 21 March 2021 | Last updated on: Sat, 7 May 2022 15:28:32 GMT