Week 21, year 2022
- Conway’s Law Doesn’t Apply to Rigid Designs - The Inverse Conway Manoeuvre is an organisational engineering device. It tells us to change our team and organisational structure to achieve the system design we want. More and more organisations reorganise based on this idea, and yet they don’t end up with the system they’d like. What are we missing? There’s evidence of the Manoeuvre being applied. GitHub for example is a distributed company that built a tool for distributed collaboration using GitHub to build it. While systems do mimic their organisations’ structure, changing the organisation doesn’t seem to have the same effect. [Mathias Verraes]
- Power of ignorance, or how to write simple code - I was asked to compile various statistics from our Event Store GitHub community some time ago. We wanted to analyze our public repositories… [Event-Driven by Oskar Dudycz]
- Microservices Design Patterns implementation in Axon Framework - It's often easier to learn from the real-life perspectives of users than from solutions providers. At our 2020 conference, a customer team discussed both the theory and their reality of implementing an application using Axon Framework microservice design patterns. [Blog]