Week 14, year 2023
- Sock swaps, giant maps & a new category of database : A recap of QCon London - Last week, the Event Store team attended QCon London, one of the largest international software development conferences. As exhibitors, we were excited to talk about all things Event Store and engage with attendees. Here's what we got up to. [Event Store blog]
- Slack in your plans - Recent discussions with my colleagues showed that many software teams still run into trouble because they pack too much planned work into their iterations. Teams will usually run better when they have deliberate Slack, as it allows their delivery to be more predictable and gives them time to improve their environment. While writing that bliki post, I also defined two styles of task planning in agile projects. Timeboxed Iterations are used to break up work into small chunks with a regular cadence to reassess the work and future plans. Using a little ceremony around allocating work to iterations helps make problems visible so that they can be dealt with properly. Continuous Flow dispenses with that ceremony, so skilled teams often prefer it. [Martin Fowler]
- Event stores are key-value databases, and why that matters - Event stores are the foundational building block of Event Sourcing. They’re also one of the biggest sources of confusion. They are databases… [Event-Driven by Oskar Dudycz]