Week 34, year 2023
- Strategic Directions supporting the people - Having a robust digital talent strategy is a competitive advantage in today’s fiercely competitive market. This enables businesses to have the right talent and have the right competencies to meet current and future demand to meet business goals or to stay on track for digital transformation aspirations. Sarah Taraporewalla continues her article on how to create an integrated business and technology strategy by looking at questions raised by two strategic directions that support people: culture and internal systems. [Martin Fowler]
- Bottlenecks of Scaleups #05: Resilience and Observability - Here is a new article in the bottlenecks of scaleups series, looking at resilience and observability. Startups tend to only address resilience when their systems are already down, often taking a very reactive approach. For a scaleup, excessive system downtime represents a significant bottleneck to the organization, both from the effort expended on restoring function and also from the impact of customer dissatisfaction.Punit Lad and Carl Nygard explain that to move past this, resilience needs to be built into the business objectives, which will influence the architecture, design, product management, and even governance of business systems. [Martin Fowler]
- Getting started with EventStoreDB: our how-to guide on Windows [Event Store blog]
- Demo Front-End: A front-end application to test and explore an API - Many software teams create services exposed as APIs, designed to be consumed by other software and thus without any user-interface. Such services are hard to demonstrate, as they effectively just dump pages of JSON. A demo front-end is a simple user-interface just used to manipulate such an API. Matteo Vaccari describes how and why to build one - showing its usefulness both in explaining the API's capabilities to stakeholders and to help client developers explore how to interact with the API. [Martin Fowler]
- Tales from the .NET Migration Trenches - Cataloging - Posts in this series: Intro Cataloging Empty Proxy Shared Library Our First Controller Migrating Initial Business Logic Our First Views Session State Hangfire Authentication Middleware Turning Off the Lights When I talk with folks about modernization, inevitably the question comes up "OK but how much is it going to [Jimmy Bogard]
- Technology Strategy for Emerging Technologies and Markets - Sarah Taraporewalla completes her study of building a technology strategy that's integrated with strategic business interests. This final strategic direction considers the ever-changing future, suggesting lines of inquiry to consider the impact of new technologies, market trends, and broader social-political changes. [Martin Fowler]
- Prototyping, an underestimated design skill - Coding is an underestimated part of the design. When we think about the design, we immediately fall to whiteboard diagrams, sticky notes, or… [Event-Driven by Oskar Dudycz]
- Getting started with EventStoreDB: our how-to guide on Windows [Event Store blog]