Week 20, year 2024
- EventStoreDB Implementation With Event Sourcing - In this article we cover a full end-to-end example, from Event Storming, to creating Event Sourcing and architecture diagrams to implementation in Python. [Event Store blog]
- Data Fetching Patterns in Single-Page Applications - Juntao Qiu is a thoughtful front-end developer experienced with the React programming environment. He's contributed a couple of useful articles to this site, describing helpful patterns for front-end programming. In this article he describes patterns for how single-page applications fetch data. This first installment describes how asynchronous queries can be wrapped in a handler to provide information about the state of the query. [Martin Fowler]
- Parallel Data Fetching - The second pattern in Juntao Qiu's series on data fetching is on how to avoid the dreaded Request Waterfall. Parallel Data Fetching queries multiple sources in parallel, so that the latency of the overall fetch is largest of the queries rather than the sum of them. [Martin Fowler]
- Docker Compose Profiles, one the most useful and underrated features - Erik Shafer asked me on the Emmett Discord if I could provide a sample of how to run the WebApi application using Emmett. Of course, I said… [Event-Driven by Oskar Dudycz]
- Ford vs. Ferrari vs. Porsche - Cultural lessons from a racing movie. [The Architect Elevator]
- EventStoreDB Implementation With Event Sourcing - In this article we cover a full end-to-end example, from Event Storming, to creating Event Sourcing and architecture diagrams to implementation in Python. [Event Store blog]