Week 25, year 2024
- Why Event Sourcing? Part 3 - The Core Benefits of Event Sourcing - This is the final part of a 3 part series on "Why Event Sourcing". Find Part 1 here and Part 2 here.. If you want to be notified, sign up to our newsletter! If you're totally new to Event Sourcing, it might be a good idea to start here with our Beginner's Guide. [Event Store blog]
- How to automatically setup pgAdmin with a Docker database - Developer experience is a phrase repeated in multiple ways. In our industry, we finally realised how important it is to reduce the cognitive… [Event-Driven by Oskar Dudycz]
- Coupling and Control Flow in Distributed Systems - Dissecting a buzzword takes more than a single blog post. Here's the start of a new blog series. [The Architect Elevator]
- Old Books that Every Architect Should Read - If architecture is timeless, so should be the books about it. Here's a book list with some classics. [The Architect Elevator]
- Why Event Sourcing? Part 3 - The Core Benefits of Event Sourcing - This is the final part of a 3 part series on "Why Event Sourcing". Find Part 1 here and Part 2 here.. If you want to be notified, sign up to our newsletter! If you're totally new to Event Sourcing, it might be a good idea to start here with our Beginner's Guide. [Event Store blog]