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Week 34, year 2024

  • Rewriting Strangler Fig - Two decades ago, I posted that I found that the strangler fig plant was an interesting metaphor for the gradual replacement of a legacy system. I didn’t refer to the metaphor since, but meanwhile it grew a life of its own. Other people increasingly referred to the strangler fig approach to modernization, and traffic to that post steadily increased: currently it gets about 5000 page views a month, one of the more popular pages on this site. So I decided I needed to update that page, and have rewritten it, focusing on the core activities we need to do to make a success of such a venture. (This summarizes more detailed writing from Ian Cartwright, Rob Horn, and James Lewis.) [Martin Fowler]
  • Rethinking Microservices Architecture through Dynamic Consistency Boundaries - When creating microservices-based architectures, developers may encounter the concept of an “aggregate” while modeling their systems. In the simplest of terms, an aggregate is a collection of various objects in your system that can be treated as a single unit. It's important to note that an aggregate includes an aggregate root, entities, and value objects bound together by consistency rules. [AxonIQ Blog]
Permalink | From 19 August 2024 to 25 August 2024 | Last updated on: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 23:19:29 GMT