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Week 38, year 2024

  • Legacy Modernization meets GenAI - Most of the talk about the impact of GenAI on software development is about its ability to write (messy) code. But many of us think it's going to be much more useful to help us understand existing messy code, as part of a modernization effort. My colleagues Alessio Ferri, Tom Coggrave, and Shodhan Sheth have been considering how GenAI can do this, including building an internal tool to help explore the possibilities. The tool uses an LLM to enhance a knowledge graph based on the AST of the code base. It also uses an LLM to help users query this knowledge graph. [Martin Fowler]
  • Using GenAI to extract low-level details and high-level explanations from legacy systems - Alessio Ferri, Tom Coggrave, and Shodhan Sheth use their combination of an AST-fueled knowledge graph and LLMs to gain understanding of legacy systems. They have found it aids them both in extracting the low-level details of the code and can provide high-level explanations to support human-centered approaches such as event storming. [Martin Fowler]
Permalink | From 16 September 2024 to 22 September 2024 | Last updated on: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:19:26 GMT