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Week 40, year 2024

  • EventStoreDB 24.6 released - EventStoreDB 24.6 was officially released on the 26th of June 2024. Even though it is a mid-year interim release, there a quite a few feature enhancements plus some exciting new features as well. Keep reading to learn more! [Event Store blog]
  • Interviewed by Book Overflow podcast on Refactoring - I was interviewed on the Book Overflow podcast about the Refactoring book. We talked about the origins of the book, the relationship between refactoring, testing, and extreme programming, how refactoring is used in the wild, and the role of books and long-form prose today. [Martin Fowler]
Permalink | From 30 September 2024 to 06 October 2024 | Last updated on: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 15:19:27 GMT