Archive for May 2017

Week 22, year 2017

  • DDD Weekly: Issue #37 - Alberto Brandolini - Transactions Redefined [video] Alberto Brandolini - DDD Europe 2017. Domain-Driven Design Europe 2017. Martin Kleppman - Event Sourcing and Stream Processing at Scale [video] Martin Kleppman - DDD Europe 2017. Domain-Driven Design Europe 2017: This talk attempts to bridge those communities, and works out the commonalities and differences between Event Sourcing and Stream Processing, so that we can all learn from each other. Event Sourcing: A New Dimension in Software Design [video] Vladik Khononov. [DDD Weekly]
  • Code review: Fabric class - This is the second code review session where I showcase a real-world code example. If you want to learn more about this new format, check out this post. You can also request a review yourself. To do that, use the form on this page. Code review: Fabric class The full source code of this one is rather large for a single blog post, so I decided to pick the most interesting portions of it - those I think could be improved. [Enterprise Craftsmanship]
Permalink | From 29 May 2017 to 04 June 2017 | Last updated on: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:11:14 GMT

Week 21, year 2017

  • IEnumerable vs IReadOnlyList - I apologize to everyone who’s waiting for my response to their code review requests. I was busy dealing with some personal stuff the last couple of weeks. Moving forward, I’m going to maintain a one post a week schedule where "regular" articles would take turns with code reviews. This article is a regular one, so the one next week would be a code review. Today, I’d like to talk about IEnumerable and IReadOnlyList collection interfaces. We’ll discuss which of them is preferable and in what circumstance. [Enterprise Craftsmanship]
Permalink | From 22 May 2017 to 28 May 2017 | Last updated on: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:11:14 GMT

Week 19, year 2017

  • DDD Weekly: Issue #36 - Eric Evans - Good Design is Imperfect Design [video] Eric Evans. Domain-Driven Design Europe 2017. David West - The Past and Future of Domain-Driven Design [video] David West. Domain-Driven Design Europe 2017. The state-of-the-practice for software development in 1968 was ‘Domain-driven Design’. Then “Software Engineering” happened and we lost our way. Academia insisted on telling practitioners how they should do their jobs. Numerous practitioner led ‘revolts” — including Eric Evans’ DDD — attempted to escape the shackles of formalism and put us back on track; but with very limited success. [DDD Weekly]
  • DDD Weekly: Issue #35 - How would it be done without computers? [blog] Nick Chamberlain. When we started, we had a a mixture of technical and business constraints muddying the issue at hand. By thinking about how humans would interact with each other to perform a task, you are able to think more purely about the Domain instead of getting too far ahead of yourself with implementation details. Architecting & Designing for Change, Events-First [video] Russ Miles. [DDD Weekly]
  • The best way to implement a Main Something property - In this post, we will explore a common design problem: implementing a Main Something property. There’s an equally common solution to this problem which is sub-optimal in most cases. [Enterprise Craftsmanship]
Permalink | From 08 May 2017 to 14 May 2017 | Last updated on: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:11:14 GMT

Week 18, year 2017

  • Code review: User Controller and error handling - This is the first code review where I showcase some real-world code example and nitpick suggest improvements in it. If you want to learn more about this new format, check out this post. You can also request a review yourself. To do that, use the form on this page. Code review: User Controller and error handling The code in question is a UserController class with this Create method: publicIActionResult Create([FromBody] UserCreateModeluser) [Enterprise Craftsmanship]
Permalink | From 01 May 2017 to 07 May 2017 | Last updated on: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 09:11:14 GMT