Week 19, year 2017
- DDD Weekly: Issue #36 - Eric Evans - Good Design is Imperfect Design [video] Eric Evans. Domain-Driven Design Europe 2017. David West - The Past and Future of Domain-Driven Design [video] David West. Domain-Driven Design Europe 2017. The state-of-the-practice for software development in 1968 was ‘Domain-driven Design’. Then “Software Engineering” happened and we lost our way. Academia insisted on telling practitioners how they should do their jobs. Numerous practitioner led ‘revolts” — including Eric Evans’ DDD — attempted to escape the shackles of formalism and put us back on track; but with very limited success. [DDD Weekly]
- DDD Weekly: Issue #35 - How would it be done without computers? [blog] Nick Chamberlain. When we started, we had a a mixture of technical and business constraints muddying the issue at hand. By thinking about how humans would interact with each other to perform a task, you are able to think more purely about the Domain instead of getting too far ahead of yourself with implementation details. Architecting & Designing for Change, Events-First [video] Russ Miles. [DDD Weekly]
- The best way to implement a Main Something property - In this post, we will explore a common design problem: implementing a Main Something property. There’s an equally common solution to this problem which is sub-optimal in most cases. [Enterprise Craftsmanship]