Week 22, year 2017
- DDD Weekly: Issue #37 - Alberto Brandolini - Transactions Redefined [video] Alberto Brandolini - DDD Europe 2017. Domain-Driven Design Europe 2017. Martin Kleppman - Event Sourcing and Stream Processing at Scale [video] Martin Kleppman - DDD Europe 2017. Domain-Driven Design Europe 2017: This talk attempts to bridge those communities, and works out the commonalities and differences between Event Sourcing and Stream Processing, so that we can all learn from each other. Event Sourcing: A New Dimension in Software Design [video] Vladik Khononov. [DDD Weekly]
- Code review: Fabric class - This is the second code review session where I showcase a real-world code example. If you want to learn more about this new format, check out this post. You can also request a review yourself. To do that, use the form on this page. Code review: Fabric class The full source code of this one is rather large for a single blog post, so I decided to pick the most interesting portions of it - those I think could be improved. [Enterprise Craftsmanship]